Online Worship Info
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Here at SCUCC we relish vibrant worship. Creativity is a core value with us and we weave arts and technology into worship and enjoy a variety of music. It looks and feels a bit different week to week but you can count on one thing, God shows up!
You are welcome at SCUCC - including all the unique gifts that you bring to our community, your questions and doubts, your past history and current struggles, your sexual orientation and gender identity.
We are serious about our commitment to social justice and missions, which have formed our congregation's core values and identity. We are active in supporting and advocating for the needs of people at the local, state and global level.


  1. We don’t have all the answers, but we love exploring the questions.
  2. We are passionate about our ministry to the homeless and to at-risk LGBTQ youth.
  3. We take the Bible seriously but not literally, and we also draw wisdom from ancient and modern day poets and prophets from all traditions.
  4. We don’t agree on everything.
  5. Our worship music is as big as iTunes and Spotify, and sometimes also includes hymns.
  6. We laugh a lot. We are not afraid to be silly.
  7. We have a Facebook page, and we use it!
  8. We welcome creativity in all its forms as a part of our spiritual expression.
  9. We care about the earth and we try to make mindful choices about our food and our consumption; and we know we can always do better.
  10. We love to share our stories; we inspire one another and encourage one another.

Sacred Grounds Jazz Coffeehouse is part of the outreach ministry of Scottsdale Congregational United Church of Christ. Each Thursday evening from 7:30-9:30 P.M., the very best in professional acoustic jazz is heard. Top local jazz artists and internationally-known jazz musicians are featured in a comfortable, non-smoking friendly setting where the listeners are also treated to gourmet desserts and coffee. Suggested donation $5.00.

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Sacred Grounds 2016