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Yoga with Nathan Williams
Saturday, August 18, 2012, 09:00am - 10:30am

9-10:30AM each Saturday in August: YOGA!

SNAP Introduces: Nathan Williams, Yoga Instructor, certified in 1991 from Sivananda Divine Life Society located in Grass Valley,CA.

Nathan was introduced to Yoga by a very dear childhood friend in1989,his classes are custom-fit to the desires of the students.


Schooled in traditional Hatha Yoga,with a

focus on Pranayama and Meditation,


Classes are gentle, deep, transformative & insightful

He weaves traditional Hatha Yoga, Ashstanga & Restorative Yoga incorporating

Pranayama, guided Meditation & Relaxation.


Classes are 90 minutes in length.


*Donation basis, suggested at $5 or more.


On the campus of SCUCC:

4425 N. Granite Reef Rd.

Scottsdale, AZ 85251