Rev. Ann Utke
Rev. Utke is our new Interim Minister (as of late November 2022). She hails from Wisconsin. She has lots of varied experience pastoring in churches both as a called pastor and as an interim, and has also worked as a hospice chaplain. Her husband, Bill, is also a UCC minister in the Phoenix area.
Click here to read a short biography.
Have you seen a familiar face around church lately? It could be our choir and bells director, Meg Palermo, who isn't really new. She directed choir at SCUCC before, until departing to teach full-time, way back in 2016. We're very happy to have her back, with her energy and enthusiasm.
She's in the church office Tuesday through Thursday, between 10am - 1pm. Stop by and say hello!
Gladys joined the church staff in February of 2022 as our office manager and is now our bookkeeper. Gladys worked for the federal government for over 30 years, specifically with the Army Corps of Engineers and the AZ Army National Guard. Her experience in these jobs prepared her well for the duties she has with SCUCC.
Michele is an ardent follower of the UCC’s "God is Still Speaking campaign" and completed the UCC training program for church planters at The Center For Progressive Renewal. She is very committed to experiential worship and evangelism and delights in participating in Godly adventures with the youth and people of all ages at SCUCC.
Michele graduated from Claremont School of Theology with a Masters of Divinity degree in 2009. She completed one unit of study of Clinical Pastoral Education at Banner Good Samaritan Hospital in 2010. She received her Certificate in Youth and Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary in the spring of 2006 and received a Masters of Fine Arts degree with an emphasis in Photography in 1981.
Quentin is our hired assistant in the sanctuary techroom to help run the AV and computer equipment during Sunday worship and special services. He is a student at the SCC Film School.