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Book Discussion Group
Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 10:30am - 12:00pm
Contact Barbara Nordlund

A new book group is forming to study Rev. George Ault's book, Everyday Saints.  The first meeting will be held on June 1 and attendance may be in person at church or on ZOOM and a second meeting is planned for June 8.  10:30AM until noon is the projected time and everyone is welcome.  Rev. Ault will be with the group to discuss his book.

A short description of Everyday Saints. Over the course of fifty years of pastoral ministry, thousands of people crossed the path of Dr. George Ault.

Most of these were ordinary people he recognized as exuding special gifts of courage, faith, love, joy and hope. Dr. Ault thinks of these people as "everyday saints," not because they were perfect, but because of their simple gifts and their willingness to share themselves with the world in which they lived....These everyday saints continue to bless all who peer over the pages of this book.  Even a small glimpse of these everyday saints will cause anyone to marvel and believe in the potential to become a better person.   

Everyday Saints is available through Amazon and Kindle.  If you plan to attend or have questions, please notify Barbara Nordlund at dnordlund92@ outlook.com or by cell 480 560 5741. In the series of "F's" considered at a prior Worship Service, this experience will certainly be FUN and will certainly lead to FOCUS and maybe even FOOD.  Please mark your calendars now and plan to join us.

Location Conf. Rm / Zoom